Sunday, April 4, 2010

Shane Warne's new pastime - Twitter

Melbourne, April 4: It looks like Shane Warne has turned to social networking site Twitter to pass his free time.

The champion cricketer has been firing off tweets to a cornucopia of celebrities - including a few who don''t seem that keen to respond, reports

Warne’s targets include people from the world of sport, business and entertainment.

He has sent messages to Jamie Oliver, tennis star Andy Roddick, tycoon Sir Richard Branson, singers Lily Allen, Keith Urban, Kylie and Dannii Minogue and cyclist Lance Armstrong.

Warne tweeted to Branson: "Hello mate, its shane here how are you buddy ? whats news your side?"

There''s no record of the billionaire''s reply.

Similarly, Warne''s invitation to actor Stephen Fry seems to have gone unanswered, as has his attempt to swap musical preferences with Lady Gaga.

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