Friday, March 5, 2010

Wenger Furious Over Ramsey’s Injury

Arsenal won the match against Stoke City, however, the horrific injury to fellow team mate Aaron Ramsey surely cast a shadow over the win.

After the match Wenger commented:

“I’m proud of our game because it was an unbelievable battle from the first minute. We needed to be tough and resilient to win.”

When asked about the injury to Welshman, Wenger said:

“I’m of course very sad because of what happened. We know it’s a bad injury. We have to transfer him to London tonight to see if he needs emergency surgery. We don’t know how long he will be out but it’s certainly long term.”

He also added:

“I’m not very happy with the tackle. We know what we are expecting, a battle everywhere, but we have now lost three players on horrendous tackles and I refuse to believe it’s always coincidence.”

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